More Op-Ed Limericks for an Age of Folly

Here are the latest in my collaboration with writer, graphic designer, songwriter and Renaissance Woman Colleen Anderson, in which I pick from among her glorious op-ed limericks and animate them. Feel free to re-post these to social media and publications, with the caveat they’re released with the Creative Commons License: Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs CC BY-NC-ND. This allows you to re-post on your site, download them or share to social media so long as you credit Colleen Anderson and TheStoryIsTheThingbut they cannot be changed in any way or used for commercial purposes. That means non-commercial purposes are cool. Let us know if you use them anywhere!


When he’s hyped up, a tweet might relieve him,
But sensible thought seems to leave him,
And the tripe he sends out
Makes it clear, without doubt,
It is folly to trust or believe him.

Canary, Meet Coal Mine

Now Trump’s out there pushing a new line:
“Some states can reopen, they’ll be fine!”
It’s not that hard to see
West Virginia could be
The canary that dies in the coal mine.

“Worthless Borders”

As Trump barks out insults and orders
To diligent, truthful reporters,
A pandemic brings news
Even he can’t reuse:
Big walls are quite worthless as borders.

Op-Ed Limericks | “Worthless Borders” | Limerick by Colleen Anderson, Video by

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