A ‘NotesBeforeYouVote’ sample pack
Vote against retribution, self-centered cruelty, and the meanest aspects of our worst natures on Nov. 5. Here are some sample videos from my hypershort election series 'NotesBeforeYouVote.com'
Read MoreVote against retribution, self-centered cruelty, and the meanest aspects of our worst natures on Nov. 5. Here are some sample videos from my hypershort election series 'NotesBeforeYouVote.com'
Read MoreAre we headed 'Hellward' or do watermelon-loving turtles show a better way. Plus, my new band plays one of the saddest songs ever written.
Read MoreLooking back on 'When Earl Went to War,' plus glimpses of some birds, butterflies, bees, and an old song by a new band
Read MoreThe Jonas Brothers have been stars for awhile. Their music and drama have been the soundtrack to my daughter's life. She just turned 30. So, how could I resist an offer to go to a JoBros show together and witness the ardour of it all?
Read MoreWhile the country careens towards an election that will determine everything, your webguy takes a mental health break to look at Fourth of July fireworks as an art form.
Read MoreAs we move toward an election in November that could ring down the curtain on the American experiment — not a republic, not a monarchy, how about an autocracy overseen by a malignant narcissist? — I find myself needing to knit to calm my nerves.
Read MoreHe digs into his wallet. Hands over a $20 bill. God bless you, she says. But where's the god for lost girls in a squalling storm? She turns to go back into the Taco Bell. He shuts off his car. Gets out. Do you have a phone? No. She says. Anyone at all to call?
Read MorePost-eclipse, thrilling with fellow humans at what we had just witnessed, it was a stark reminder of how few and precious are the sweet collective experiences we now share in an America riven by engineered dispute. And how utterly important it is to be reminded of the significance of shared wonder.
Read MoreI think that I shall never see, a tree sermon lovely as this one by some trees. A video-poem in honor of Easter Sunday for those of us without Easter bonnets.
Read MoreFour things for your consideration: A rainy photographic street; a 'Gladiator Song'; meme on how grief abates a little; and an epigram of remembrance.
Read MoreHere are four things I suggest may be worth several minutes of your hard-earned life-force, when the thought arises that you could use a break to think about something other than what you've been thinking about.
Read MoreA couple of eightysomething artists refuse to stop being wonderful, while the capital city of West Virginia pays colorful homage to the passing of another master artist.
Read MoreAbout the night I never slept with Allen Ginsberg and the interview, song and music video this yielded after our encounter deep in the West Virginia hills in 1983.
Read More"Let the boys have the damn song." How "Over the Rainbow" almost didn't make the cut for "The Wizard of Oz." A look back at a "sacred" song in the American canon, on the occasion of a down-and-dirty music video version by the boys.
Read MoreStill fun after all these years. On my timeline this morning, Facebook surfaced an offbeat video I did with my brother and a friend, from an encounter we had in 2013 with the truly cool, interactive video installation 'Text Rain.'
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