After an Influenza Retreat, what the sky looks like

After weeks upon weeks of miserableness, suffering though the worst bout of sickness in his adult life — aka Influenza A — your videographic interlocutor finally has (mostly) passed out of the Valley of Miserableness. This is what he saw looking up once sprung from his sick house.

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Categories Video

Thumping out a solo on a West Virginia winter afternoon

What can I say? I make weird, short videos. This one goes out to the 7 to 17 people with an odd enough sensibility to appreciate this brief, thumping encounter with the sculpture 'Earth Portal' in Ritter Park, in Huntington W.Va., which if you didn't know it, is playable.

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Categories Video

It was a Baby Jesus Thing

What do you do when Baby Jesus is Missing in Action — but you have a decades-long Christmas family tradition to enact, with children awaiting? You go with what you've got, even if what you've got is a bit ridiculous.

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Miss Francis’ First Birthday Party

As she approached her 77th birthday in the year 2018, Frances Buzzard has never once in her life had a big birthday party. That was all about to change for the Belle Elementary School custodian one afternoon in Belle WV.

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‘Nathan Brings the Light’

When a father steps into and then down from the pulpit as his son brings the light and then snuffs it out at the end of a church service, watch for the moment of grace between father and son ..

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‘A Hoeft Marsh Melody’

Hoeft Marsh in Greenbottom WV is where I get off to when I want to get off the timeline of the world's news. Here's a short musical visit there. It's a little fishy, too.

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Categories Essays Video

When the hummingbirds fly

When an audio clip arrived in our 'in-box' from a buddy, Joel Preston Smith, featuring a live recording of hummingbirds dive-bombing his feeder in rural Liberty, WV., wings a-whirring, we asked if we might illustrate it with some action-packed hummingbird video

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Categories Art Video

“Sonata for Piano & West Virginia, No. 1”

I invite you to take five minutes from feeling harassed by the news or our own hectic heads for "Sonata for Piano & West Virginia No. 1." It offers another way of looking at West Virginia and those parts that remain uncorrupted, fresh, and true.

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Categories Art Video