“The Green, Green Hills of Earth”

‘Azalea Buddha.’ | may2022 | TheStoryIsTheThing.com photo

Every year about this time, the azaleas burst into exuberant bloom out front. I shot this photo (above) on the day before my birthday the first of May, in this, my Year of Medicare Qualification. The Buddha statue was given me years back, on a birthday when I had far more hair, by Rebecca Skeen-Webb, who died way too soon of ovarian cancer on Easter Sunday 2002.

On my first CD, “Saint Stephen’s Dream,” released in 2004, I wrote a song in her honor, “The Green, Green Hills of Earth.” Seeing the ‘Azalaea Buddha’ framed by Spring blossoms, I was inspired on the morning of my birthday to craft a made-before-breakfast music video. It’s a gift in honor of Becky’s memory, spirit, and soul. We stepped out into the world together as performers, first in a trio called Hoody Crow, and then the duo Doogabeka (‘Doog’ for my name as mis-pronounced when I once worked in France; and ‘beka’ for ‘Rebecca’.) I often feel her over my shoulder checking my harmonies, singing along.



Music & lyrics by Douglas John Imbrogno (copyright 2004-2022)

In the green, green hills of Earth/ You stand and say goodbye/ To the land that brought you birth / as rain cries from the sky.

In the flowers of the field/ I hear your laughter still / The candle you revealed / burns on my window sill.

CHORUS: In my house, there’s a room for you / In my garden, blossoms tall and blue / In the air a scent of irises / In my house, there’s a room — for you…

On the green, green hills of Earth / You stand and wave farewell / I cannot count your worth/ or the darkness in the well.

There’s a Buddha on my lawn/ who greets those who arrive./ Even though you’re gone/ your gift is still alive.

CHORUS: In my house, there’s a room for you / In my garden, blossoms tall and blue / In the air a scent of irises / In my house, there’s a room — for you…

In the green, green hills of earth…
In the green, green hills of earth.
In the green, green hills of earth …
In the green, green hills of earth.
LEAD VOCAL: Douglas John Imbrogno
BACKING VOCAL: Heidi Muller, Dhruva’ Stephenson, Erin Webb
FLUTE: Dhruva’ Stephenson
RHYTHM GUITAR: Douglas Imbrogno, Bob Webb.
NOTE: The song title was inspired by a Robert Heinlein sci-fi book whose name I’ve always loved, “The Green Hills of Earth.” It was only later I recalled how much Becky loved science fiction. You can hear the entire album from which this song comes — “Saint Stephen’s Dream” by garagecow ensemble — at this link. It’s also available for download and purchase at Amazon.com and various other nooks and crannies on the web.

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